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State-Of-The-Art Diamond Turning Technology

At Syntec Optics, we are one of only a few facilities worldwide with extensive expertise in diamond turning, mold manufacturing and design for manufacturability. Our offerings include Single Point Diamond Turning, as well as our patented High Refraction Diamond Turning.

Syntec Optics’ Diamond Turning staff is an experienced team with a broad background in diamond turning. Stemming from the Moore M18 days to the most current, state of the art diamond turning machines available today, we have 36 years of combined diamond turning experience.

Over the years, we have designed, created and maintained an impressive collection of diamond tooling configured in different geometries, sizes, styles, both natural and man-made diamonds, giving us the flexibility to cut almost any surface. This affords us an opportunity to offer shorter lead times in many situations.

Examples of some of our diamond turned lens applications include:
Imaging, 360 degree cameras
Security domes
Weapons sights
Blood analyzers
Fingerprint scanners
Barcode scanners
And many others

With Syntec, you can choose diamond-turned finished optics, or moulded ones, confident that both will perform identically. We can diamond-turn prototypes in less than four weeks. Contact us today to learn more about our state-of-the-art equipment and custom capabilities.

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