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Polymer Optics

Discover high-end polymer optics when you come to SyntecOptics.com. Our business concentrates on defense, security, medical, and biometrics optics.

While we concentrate heavily in defense, medical and biometrics applications, Syntec delivers total solutions for accurate, repeatable, and robust molded optical polymers or hybrid components and assemblies to any industry requiring high precision polymer optics for its products.

Our customers include innovative start-ups and Fortune 100 industry leaders, all with diverse needs.

Contact us today to learn more about our optical polymers. Whether you are seeking medical optics or are interested in polymer optics for defense applications, we are ready to assist you!

Defense and Security

Ordnance optics
Guidance assemblies
Objective lenses
Heads-up display lens sets
2D/3D scanners


Medical diagnostics and assay analysis
Optical cuvettes
Non-contact surgical optics


Fingerprint identification
Retinal scan
3-D facial recognition
Forensic quality imaging
Perfect structured light





Applications Portfolio

Optical coupling
Bar code scanners
Collection mirrors
Scan mirrors
LED lenses