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Plastic Optics Metrology

Innovative solutions and applications demand innovations in testing, and our custom plastic optics metrology meets the challenge. Syntec offers a full range of plastic optics metrology services with a goal of guaranteeing operational performance. We can analyze lenses you have already developed to predict performance under specified circumstances, or ensure that lenses we manufacture meet your specifications 100%.

Our optical metrology staples are contact profilometry equipment to measure surface shapes and high resolution interferometers to analyze light deformation under a range of circumstances. Visit our facilities in person to see our in-line testing equipment, including Contact Profilometry, Ziess CMM and Zygo NewView white light Interferometer.

We also have a custom metrology laboratory where we devise tailored tests using these measurements and more. Syntec develops innovative approaches, data analysis and all needed fixtures to accurately predict performance under expected conditions — without multiple costly beta releases.