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Plastic Oral Exam Imaging

We have a uniquely qualified team at SyntecOptics.com to help you develop, improve and manufacture oral exam imaging components. Connect with our team to know more.

Plastic Oral Exam Imaging

Dental Imaging

Syntec Optics has recently done prototyping involving SPDT lenses with diameters of 5mm and less for a dental camera application. The customer supplied STL mechanical barrels which were used to house the optics that were cemented into place. After proving the performance of the optical train was satisfactory, the next step is to do Design For Manufacture (DFM) to allow for cost effective volume manufacturing. The plan is to mold optical and opaque components, source electronic and non-molded mechanical components, and finally assemble and test units. Due to vast and varied experiences, Syntec Optics is uniquely qualified to help develop, improve, and manufacture a product from concept all the way to production. Contact Syntec Optics for more information