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All About Heads-Up Displays

Heads-up displays, or “HUDs”, are a new and innovative add-on for consumer cars that are all the rage currently. They have been designed for practical reasons: to help keep drivers eyes on the road – instead of the dash or your phone . Furthermore, for the tech lover, this is an awesome new “toy”.

So what exactly is a HUD? Heads-up display is a digital transparent image that is projected onto the windshield of a car, displaying the same information you would get from the dashboard. This can include everything from your current speed to the revs on your engine, and even various temperature gauges.

The idea behind the Heads-up display is to increase safety, allowing the driver to keep their eyes where they need to be, as opposed to looking around the dash or even at their phone. This makes for safer drivers and means fewer accidents.

At Syntec Optics, we have the technology and advanced skills in Heads-up display mold-making and Single Point Diamond Turning (SPDT). These advanced technologies are used to mold a cyclo-olefin polymer (COP) optic for use in Heads-Up display plastic prisms.

Heads up displays are a safe and smart way to drive and will revolutionize the way we drive in the future. Syntec Optics is able to build the mold, complete the PPAP qualification and deliver parts in time to meet production launch dates. For more information on Heads-up display plastic prisms contact Syntec Optics.

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