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Mapping The Brain At High Resolution

Researchers have developed a new way to image the brain with unprecedented resolution and speed. Using this approach, they can locate individual neurons, trace connections between them, and visualize organelles inside neurons, over large volumes of brain tissue. The new...
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University Of Tokyo And RIKEN Researchers Perform Computational Logic With Ultraviolet Light

For the first time, researchers performed computational logic operations with a liquid-crystal-based chemical device using electric fields and ultraviolet light.1 The device and the methods used open up research possibilities that include low-power, high-performance computer chips. Keiichi Yano, Yoshimitsu Itoh,...
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Programming Light On A Chip

Researchers from the Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS) have developed a new integrated photonics platform that can store light and electrically control its frequency (or color) in an integrated circuit. The platform draws inspiration...
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Light-Sound Coupling Could Aid Quantum Devices

Researchers at the University of Oxford, Imperial College London and the National Physics Laboratory, U.K., have demonstrated strong coupling between light and high-frequency acoustic vibrations in a silica microresonator. The team believes the work—which achieves a long-standing goal in optomechanics—could...
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