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A career at SyntecOptics.com gives you unlimited exposure to latest technologies, a platform to share your ideas and endless possibilities of growth.

Syntec Optics Careers

Optics, the science of light, is at the core of all emerging future technologies. That makes working in the optics industry a great career choice. Syntec Optics is a leading manufacturer of precision optical components and assemblies that are used in advanced medical devices, defense equipment, security solutions, photonic sensors and virtual reality applications. A job at Syntec Optics means a gateway to the innovation world. We provide a work atmosphere that cultivates creativity in our employees.

Our employees are always willing to learn. They get exposure to the latest technologies in manufacturing. We empower our employees to achieve their career goals by providing ample growth opportunities. Our work culture is woven around values that we have been practicing for decades. Resourceful employees are a great asset to any organization. At Syntec Optics, we are always on a hunt to tap new talent and leverage their potential.

Click on the links below to know more about exciting job opportunities at Syntec Optics.

To apply, e-mail your resume on hr@syntecoptics.com.