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At SyntecOptics.com you can find optically designed Axicons with diameter, center thickness, angle and surface precision customized as per your specifications.

Catalog Optics


An Axicon is a rotationally symmetric prism, having a conical surface on one side and a planar surface on the opposite side. There are many different kinds of axicons but probably the most important one is a glass cone. It may be either transmitting or reflecting. Axicons form a continuous straight line of images from small sources. A small source of light on the axis of the cone is imaged into a line along a portion of the axis. In lenses the spot diagram has been useful in evaluating image quality. In axicons a corresponding line diagram where lines take the place of dots is useful. In general, axicon instruments correspond to the usual optical instruments.

One application is in a telescope. The usual spherical objective is replaced by a cone. This axicon telescope is in focus for targets from a foot or so to infinity without the necessity of moving any parts. It can be used to view simultaneously two or more small sources placed along the line of sight.

If a source of light is suitably added to the telescope it becomes an autocollimator. Like ordinary autocollimators it can be used to determine the perpendicularity of a mirror. In addition, it can simultaneously act as a telescope for a point target which may be an illuminated pinhole in the mirror.

Axicons are also used in laser applications in research and medical such as laser eye surgery, optical trapping, OCT and holographic data storage.


* Diameter: 1-300 mm
* Clear Aperture: >90% of diameter
* Edge Thickness: Dependent on Diameter
* CT & ET Tolerance: ± 0.05 mm


* Acrylic
* Polysterene
* Zeonex
* Polyetherimide
* Polyethersulfone
