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Glass Lenses

Discover quality glass lenses made of materials suitable for your application over a wide spectral range at SyntecOptics.Com.

Glass Lenses

Plano Convex Lenses

Plano-convex Lenses present a curved interface and a planar interface. They are for instance the microlenses situated on top of a wafer, and also encountered in macroscopic optical systems. Plano-convex lenses are useful for collimating diverging...
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Plano Concave Lenses

Concave lenses are considered to be negative lenses because light waves passing through them diverge, or are scattered away from, a focal point or centerline. This divergence occurs because the lens is thinner in the center and thicker on the...
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Double Convex Lenses

Double convex (DCX) lenses have two convex surfaces with equal radii. They have focal points on both sides of the lens; these and the points at twice the focal length are used to locate objects and images. Since both surfaces...
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