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Plano Convex Lenses

Discover precision plano-convex glass lenses as per your specifications at SyntecOptics.com

Plano Convex Lens

Plano-convex Lenses present a curved interface and a planar interface. They are for instance the microlenses situated on top of a wafer, and also encountered in macroscopic optical systems. Plano-convex lenses are useful for collimating diverging beams of light and for applying focus to an optical system. Syntec Optics also offers in-house optical coating services. Review specifications and typical sizes tables below for more details.

Plano Convex Lenses

Plano Convex Lens Specifications:

Material: BK7, Fused Silica, SF10, CaF2, Sapphire etc.
Paraxial Focal Length Tolerance: ±2%
Dimension Tolerance: ±0.2 (General), ±0.05 (High Precision)
Centration: <3 arc min
IRR: λ/4@633nm(General), λ/10@633nm (High Precision)
Clear Aperture: >80% (Small Size), >95% (Large Size)
Surface Figure <1.5λ@633nm(General), <λ/4@633nm (High Precision)
Surface Quality: 60/40(General), 10/5 (High Precision)
Bevel: <0.25mm
Coating: Uncoated, AR, PR, HR, etc.


Plano Convex Lens Typical Sizes

Material - N-BK7
Item No. Diameter
Focal Length
Thickness (mm)
Thickness (mm)
Back Focal
Length (mm)
Volume Buy
CL-SPLX1-0060-0012 6.0 12 6.22 2.27 1.5 10.50 Get a Quote Click Here
CL-SPLX1-0060-0030 6.0 30 15.56 1.79 1.5 28.82 Get a Quote Click Here
CL-SPLX1-0100-0015 10.0 15 7.78 3.80 2.0 12.50 Get a Quote Click Here
CL-SPLX1-0100-0022 10.0 22 11.40 3.10 1.9 20.00 Get a Quote Click Here
CL-SPLX1-0127-0020 12.7 20 10.37 3.97 1.8 17.39 Get a Quote Click Here
CL-SPLX1-0127-0025 12.7 25 12.94 3.47 1.8 22.67 Get a Quote Click Here
CL-SPLX1-0127-0030 12.7 30 15.56 3.16 1.8 27.92 Get a Quote Click Here
CL-SPLX1-0127-0040 12.7 40 20.75 2.80 1.8 38.16 Get a Quote Click Here
CL-SPLX1-0127-0050 12.7 50 25.94 2.59 1.8 48.30 Get a Quote Click Here
CL-SPLX1-0127-0075 12.7 75 38.90 2.32 1.8 73.47 Get a Quote Click Here
CL-SPLX1-0127-0100 12.7 100 51.88 2.19 1.8 98.57 Get a Quote Click Here
CL-SPLX1-0254-0025 25.4 25 13.18 11.65 2.0 17.74 Get a Quote Click Here
CL-SPLX1-0254-0030 25.4 30 15.56 8.57 2.0 24.35 Get a Quote Click Here
CL-SPLX1-0254-0040 25.4 40 20.75 6.35 2.0 35.82 Get a Quote Click Here
CL-SPLX1-0254-0050 25.4 50 25.94 5.32 2.0 46.51 Get a Quote Click Here
CL-SPLX1-0254-0060 25.4 60 31.12 4.72 2.0 56.89 Get a Quote Click Here
CL-SPLX1-0254-0075 25.4 75 38.90 4.13 2.0 72.27 Get a Quote Click Here
CL-SPLX1-0254-0100 25.4 100 51.88 3.58 2.0 97.66 Get a Quote Click Here
CL-SPLX1-0254-0125 25.4 125 64.86 3.27 2.0 122.89 Get a Quote Click Here
CL-SPLX1-0254-0150 25.4 150 77.80 3.04 2.0 147.98 Get a Quote Click Here
CL-SPLX1-0254-0175 25.4 175 90.78 2.89 2.0 173.10 Get a Quote Click Here
CL-SPLX1-0254-0200 25.4 200 103.75 2.78 2.0 198.18 Get a Quote Click Here
CL-SPLX1-0254-0300 25.4 300 155.60 2.52 2.0 298.31 Get a Quote Click Here
CL-SPLX1-0254-0400 25.4 400 207.00 2.39 2.0 397.49 Get a Quote Click Here
CL-SPLX1-0254-0500 25.4 500 259.40 2.31 2.0 498.56 Get a Quote Click Here
CL-SPLX1-0300-0050 30.0 50 25.94 7.28 2.5 45.21 Get a Quote Click Here
CL-SPLX1-0300-0075 30.0 75 38.90 5.51 2.5 71.36 Get a Quote Click Here
CL-SPLX1-0300-0100 30.0 100 51.88 4.72 2.5 96.91 Get a Quote Click Here
CL-SPLX1-0300-0150 30.0 150 77.80 3.96 2.5 147.38 Get a Quote Click Here
CL-SPLX1-0380-0050 38.0 50 25.92 11.30 3.0 42.60 Get a Quote Click Here
CL-SPLX1-0380-0075 38.0 75 38.87 8.00 3.0 69.70 Get a Quote Click Here
CL-SPLX1-0380-0100 38.0 100 51.83 6.60 3.0 95.70 Get a Quote Click Here
CL-SPLX1-0380-0150 38.0 150 77.75 5.30 3.0 146.50 Get a Quote Click Here
CL-SPLX1-0380-0200 38.0 200 103.66 4.80 3.0 196.50 Get a Quote Click Here
CL-SPLX1-0380-0350 38.0 350 181.41 4.00 3.0 347.40 Get a Quote Click Here
CL-SPLX1-0380-0500 38.0 500 259.15 3.70 3.0 497.60 Get a Quote Click Here
CL-SPLX1-0508-0100 50.8 100 51.88 9.64 3.0 93.67 Get a Quote Click Here
CL-SPLX1-0508-0125 50.8 125 64.86 8.18 3.0 119.65 Get a Quote Click Here
CL-SPLX1-0508-0150 50.8 150 77.80 7.26 3.0 145.20 Get a Quote Click Here
CL-SPLX1-0508-0200 50.8 200 103.75 6.16 3.0 195.96 Get a Quote Click Here
CL-SPLX1-0508-0500 50.8 500 259.40 4.25 3.0 497.28 Get a Quote Click Here
CL-SPLX1-0508-0750 50.8 750 389.00 3.83 3.0 747.40 Get a Quote Click Here