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Opto Mechanicals

SyntecOptics.com is your one stop shop for custom optomechanical components. From optics housing to optics barrels to optics mounts and stages, our experienced team is ready to assist our customers with their projects.

Optomechanical Components

Optics Housing

Wordingham Technologies is a leader manufacturing Optical Barrels, Housing, Mounts and Retainer components for optical sub-assemblies. We focus our services on custom components for the Laser, Imaging, Machine Vision, Bioinstrument and Opto-mechanics industries; producing intricate parts with the utmost aesthetics...
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Optics Barrels

Optical Housing & Barrels are the most common method of assembly when mounting multiple lens assemblies. Wordingham Technologies has spent decades crafting precision housing and barrel components for various sub assembly needs. Our teams work with a professional, forward-thinking approach...
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Optics Retainers and Spacers

Many Optical Systems require barrels, spacers, and retainers for assembly. Here at Wordingham we specialize in custom barrels, spacers, and retainers. We take pride in our knowledge of custom thread fits and have the personnel and machines necessary to produce...
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Optics Mounts and Stages

The manufacturing of Mounts & Stages often involves milling of complex geometrical features that are tightly toleranced. Here at Wordingham we have the people and machines to produce these parts to your specifications. We can run anything from low...

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Optics Plates and Covers

The manufacturing of Mounts & Stages often involves milling of complex geometrical features that are tightly toleranced. Wordingham possesses the people, machines and processes to produce these parts to your specifications....
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