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Optics Cam Slots

Discover customized manufacturing processes to produce barrels with features such as cam slots at SyntecOptics.com. From Aluminum to Brass to Stainless Steel, we machine a wide variety of materials to produce tightly toleranced barrels.

Optics Housing

Optics Cam Slots

The manufacturing of custom machined parts like Barrels and Housings is one of the core competencies at Wordingham. We routinely work with materials including, but not limited to, Aluminum, Brass, Stainless Steel, and Glass filled plastics to produce tightly toleranced barrels. We have the machines and personnel needed to produce barrels with features such as cam slots, multi start threads, and complex milled features. We also have the inspection equipment and a quality department that will guarantee that your parts will be to spec. We would be glad to participate in any design for manufacturability or cost savings if desired.

Optics Cam Slots