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Precision Stand Assembly

Our custom manufacturing capabilities at SyntecOptics.com enable fabrication of precision stand assemblies for light guides using fabrication processes such as CNC turning, milling, engraving, anodizing and assembly

Precision Stand Assembly

Precision Stand Assembly

Wordingham Technologies manufactures light guide stands for the semiconductor industry in Ontario, Canada. These basic stands, with manual adjustments, are based on customer-provided 2D CAD drawings. Using aluminum and Post-303 stainless steel, our fabrication process includes CNC turning, milling, engraving, anodizing, and then assembling all the parts. The resulting stand consists of a light guide adapter holder, a 90-inch bracket, a scale, stage, and a base.

The base measures 8 x 8 inches, with a height of 10 inches, and all components are packaged individually based on the customer’s specifications, weighing approximately 10 pounds. Contact us to learn more about our custom CNC machining capabilities, or see the table below.