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Diamond Turning Optics

Discover quality Diamond Turned Optics at SyntecOptics.com. We can make Optical Elements of various shapes, geometries and wavelengths use.

Diamond Turning Optics

LWIR Optics

Diamond turning is an ideal process to be used for making infrared optics, because at longer wavelengths optical performance is less sensitive to surface finish quality and many of the IR optics materials are difficult to polish with traditional methods....
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Syntec Optics is involved in manufacturing and development of Diamond Turned Optics. Syntec Optics provides the best quality components in various plastic optics materials ranging from acrylic to zeonex and other high refractive index polymers. It also provides prototypes and production lenses for non ferrous optical elements Syntec Optics has experience in major developments in diamond turned optical elements with use of Polymer Optics for over decade on multiple projects.

For more information on Diamond-turned Optics or to learn more about our other products and services, please contact Syntec Optics.