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Diamond Turning Applications

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Syntec Optics is one of the very few facilities worldwide with deep expertise in diamond turning, mold manufacturing and design for manufacturability. We offer the right method for your application, including Single Point Diamond Turning and our patented High Refraction Diamond Turning. We have diamond turned lenses of complex optical shapes and geometries for many applications, including:

  • Illumination
  • Low Voltage High Efficiency Lighting, TIR Lens (Flashlight), LED, Collimating/Diffusing
  • Imaging, 360 Degree Cameras
  • Security Domes
  • Projection
  • Mirrors
  • Spectrometer
  • Aerospace
  • Research
  • Defense
  • Night Vision
  • Heads up Display
  • Weapons Sights
  • Medical
  • Blood Analyzers
  • Probes
  • Consumer
  • Fingerprint Scanners
  • Barcode Scanners
  • And many others…

Discover customised Diamond Turning Applications tailored to your unique needs at SyntecOptics.com. From Plastic Plano Prisms to TIR Lenses, we are ready to assist with your project.