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High Refraction Diamond Turning

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HRDT Optics

High Refraction Diamond Turning (HRDT) for NIR Applications

Until now, polymers for high index, heat-resistant, NIR optics could only be molded; prototypes required 8–12 weeks minimum, mold costs raised production break-even points.

Using advanced optical plastics like Ultem™, HRDT can reliably achieve a surface as smooth as 60 Angstroms, with even smoother surfaces theoretically possible. HRDT, a patented process from Syntec Optics, enables direct diamond turning lowering costs by 2 to 5X:

  • Suits spherical, aspherical, toroidal, cylindrical, cone and plano shapes
  • Works for lens surfaces with multiple diffractive structures
  • Supports polyetherimide and polyethersulfone thermoplastic resins
Time/cost Glass Molded SPDT HRDT
Fast development Yes No Yes Yes
Prod. start-up costs No Yes No No
Vol. prod. cost adv. No Yes No No
Visible Yes Yes Yes Yes
NIR Yes Yes No Yes
MWIR/LWIR Yes Not Yet* Not Yet* Not Yet*
* Hybrid solutions are possible

Discover our patented technology High Refraction Diamond Turning at SyntecOptics.com. From machining Visible Spectrum Optics to NIR Spectrum Optics, we can assist with your project.