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Frost & Sullivan recognizes Syntec Optics with an Award

Pavilion, NY September 15, 2008

“The 2008 Frost & Sullivan Growth Excellence Award in the North American polymer optics market is presented to Syntec Optics for its ability to achieve rapid growth. Syntec Optics, through its commitment to innovation and consistent focus on profitability is rapidly growing at an average annual growth rate of 16.0 percent. The company serves a variety of industries including medical, defense, and biometrics. Apart from the applications in these primary fields, Syntec Optics also serves many other applications.

Commitment to Innovation
Customers have unique needs; as a result Syntec has adopted an innovative method to meet the same – technology and product innovation. As the cornerstone of the company, Syntec strives to innovate in every aspect and to go beyond conventional logic to produce and deliver products in the best way possible. With this focus, the company has introduced various cutting-edge technologies, which help customers establish a competitive edge in their markets.” Frost & Sullivan