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IR Opto-Mechanical Design

Rely on SyntecOptics.com for all your opto-mechanical design needs for IR optical components and assemblies.

Infrared Optics

IR Opto-Mechanical Design

Syntec develops many designs during its investigation process after the camera applications are reviewed. Material selection is key, germanium (Ge), which has almost twice the index of refraction compared to ZnS (i.e. 4 to 2.2). The two element Ge design provides significant improvement in imaging when compared to the ZnS solution, see MTF plots. The design contains four aspheric surfaces and no diffractive surface. The Ge dispersion is small enough that no chromatic correction is required, which also helps the fabrication costs. Diffractive surfaces are more difficult to generate than aspheres and the diffractive surface actual performance will typically have some level of spurious light that degrades the imaging. One potential use for a diffractive surface in the Ge design is to help athermalize the solution.

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IR Opto-Mechanical Design