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New HRDT Technology Cuts Development Costs for High Refraction Polymer Optics

Pavilion, NY April 7, 2005

Syntec Technologies, a leading manufacturer of custom polymer optics, announces patent-pending HRDT™ technology that cuts costs by up to 5X for optics applications requiring high refraction, heat resistant, NIR performance. HRDT, or high refraction diamond turning, enables direct diamond turning of polymers such as Ultem tm to a surface as smooth as 60 angstroms, critical in meeting many telecom, defense and biometric performance demands.

According to Rick Arndt, VP of Tooling for Rochester Tool and Mold, a wholly owned subsidiary of Syntec Technologies, “Before HRDT was available, it was impossible to direct diamond turn polymers suitable for high index NIR needs any smoother than 450 angstroms. Each prototype cycle needed a mold, which required 8 to 12 weeks minimum and also raised production break-even points. Now these high performance, thermal resistant prototypes can be created in days at volumes as low or high as needed.”

Available for immediate use, Syntec’s HRDT technology supports the following:

  • Multiple shapes including spherical, aspherical, toroidal, cylindrical, cone and plano
  • Lens surfaces with multiple diffractive elements
  • Polyetherimide and polyethersulfone thermoplastic resins, reliably delivering surfaces as smooth as 60 angstroms

HRDT is a trademark of Syntec Technologies; Ultem is a trademark of General Electric Company.