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Plastic Optoelectronics Assembly

Find dependable help with your plastic optoelectronics assembly needs when you come to SyntecOptics.com. Our knowledgeable team is prepared to assist you on your project requirements.

Electro Plastic Optics Assembly

Opto-electronicsElectro Optics

Synchronizing assembly with your distribution needs is a critical factor in your program’s success. Whether you require one-time or ongoing optical assembly, Syntec Optics, your source for plastic optics and more, can offer a precision electro plastic optical assembly line in a clean room environment. The assembly line employs skilled optical plastic technicians supervised by hands-on production and quality engineers operating in three manufacturing shifts.

Syntec’s complete precision optoelectronic solutions can speed your medical, defense or biometric application’s time to market. Day after day, Syntec:

• Compresses delivery cycles by 15% or more

• Delivers 99.96% of Syntec products flawlessly.

Whether you need assistance with plastic optics or are just interested in learning more about how what we can do for your plastic optoelectronics assembly line, you can contact us today for more information. We are happy to answer any questions you may have about optical plastic or any of our services.