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Spectroscopy Technique Can Predict Tooth Cavity Progression

A team of researchers at Voronezh State University (VSU; Russia) has discovered that an increase in the concentration of several substances in oral fluid can serve as the indication of dental caries (tooth cavity) development. Using this data obtained via a spectroscopy technique, they found a way to prevent the disease in its early stages, as caries can lead to more serious complications such as periodontitis and pulpitis.

The researchers studied the changes in the molecular composition of saliva in people with multiple caries and developed a technique for restoring tooth enamel with artificially created biomimetic materials. Biomimetic materials are created to mimic certain natural materials or their properties.

Initially, the researchers found that the saliva of people with caries has lower content of mineral substances and inorganic compounds, while the proportion of the organic components, such as esters, fats, and carbohydrates, increases. In addition, the researchers showed that the saliva of people suffering from multiple caries contains twice as much thiocyanates than normal. These substances are released by the human body in response to the emergence of a carious process.

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