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Team Develops Optically Controlled, Non-Reciprocal Multifunctional Photonic Devices

The USTC Microcavity Research Group in the Key Laboratory of Quantum Information has perfected a 4-port, all-optically controlled non-reciprocal multifunctional photonic device based on a magnetic-field-free optomechanical resonator. This achievement is published in Nature Communications.

Light has bidirectional transmission reciprocity in common dielectric materials. Breaking this reciprocity in the direction of light transmission is of great significance in classical and quantum information processing. Optical circulators, isolators and directional amplifiers are examples of non-reciprocal devices. Yet the most common optical non-reciprocal devices are based on Faraday effects using magneto-optical materials, which are difficult to integrate on-chip. Therefore, in recent years, interest has increased in realizing on-chip, all-optical non-reciprocal devices.

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