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Polymer Optics Facial Recognition

At SyntecOptics.com, biometric face recognition is one of the many technologies that we enable with our quality polymer optics solutions and optical assemblies capabilities. We assist our customers with their projects with hardware as well as software solutions.

Polymer Optics Facial Recognition

Face Recognition Technology

The human face pattern is another unique characteristic that is used for biometric applications. Biometric face recognition technology has gained significance in the past several years due to its potential for a wide variety of applications including biometric security, healthcare, law enforcement, logical access control, border control/airports, consumer biometrics, financial biometrics, time and attendance, etc. Advanced algorithms enable facial recognition systems to quickly and accurately identify target individuals for authentication purposes.

Syntec Optics developed several generations of facial recognition devices that take an active role in developing optics, mechanics and software. These facial scanning devices confirm (or reject) an individual’s identity in less than one second. We provide an ideal solution to restrict entry into controlled areas. Challenges included creating a design robust enough for either indoor or outdoor use (in full sunlight) while maintaining speed and accuracy.

For more information on Facial Recognition or to learn more about our other products and services, please contact Syntec Optics.