Biometric Security is on the rise. In today's highly digitized words, users prefer biometric fingerprint recognition and biometric facial recognition for identification and access to their gadgets. This saves them from the task of remembering passwords for almost all the accounts they have on the cloud. Biometrics security applications are not only limited to this. They are being exercised in place of almost every conventional security system.

Biometric security technology offers an advantage of using unique human physical traits for biometric security, biometric identification and biometric authentication purposes. This way the users need not remember or carry anything to gain access to physical places which are protected with security systems. Biometrics technology has significantly improved digital security. Security threats like identity theft can be countered effectively with the use of biometric security systems.

Syntec Optics leverages its expertise in diamond turning, custom optics and optical assemblies to provide efficient hardware solutions for biometrics security programs. The software team at Syntec Optics develops sophisticated algorithms for image enhancement, feature extraction and matching, to provide our customers with fast processing software applications for various biometrics technologies inlcuding biometric fingerprint recognition, iris recognition, face recognition, retina recognition etc.

For information on our biometric security solutions, get in touch with our team at Syntec Optics.